
Robert Patrick Benedict Interview Coming Soon!

Rob_benedictRob Benedict (a.k.a. our first guest!)

That’s right, the word is out. Broken Wings‘ first cast interview will be with Robert Benedict in Episode 3, coming in just one week.


In the interview we talk about everything from his days on Felicity, Buffy, Supernatural, and even his very first play. Plus, some insight into what’s coming next for him, including updates for Rob’s band, Louden Swain, and his new short film.

And of course, extensive talk about his work onĀ Birds of Prey! Rob was incredibly generous with his time and it’s going to be a great episode. Stay tuned!



Delphi Report

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Lots of news to report today everybody! First up, the second episode is almost complete and will be posted this Friday, March 7th. This episode will feature me and two of my very close, Batman-loving friends who somehow, after years of knowing me, have never seen an episode of Birds of Prey. I sat them down for the pilot episode and then have a talkback afterward, which wound up being very entertaining!

Also, recorded the first, cast member interview the other day, and man is it going to be awesome! Find out who I interviewed at the end of episode 2, this Friday!